Aims and Objectives of the Mawubi Association
The Mawubi Association, comprised of Akpafu and Lolobi and all the Siwu-speaking people of Ghana seeks to unite, foster and maintain, a network to support every member of the Association in North America.
“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”
Coretta Scott King
About us
The Mawubi Association is a converged forum for all the Siwu-speaking people of Ghana in North America. It serves as the sole mouthpiece of Akpafu and Lolobi people in the United States and Canada.
The leadership of the organization consists of the Chairperson, the Vice-Chaiperson, the Secretary, and Treasurer. We aim to build our strength by fomenting strong bonds between Mawubis in the service and support to our brethren.